Sunday, July 15, 2012

5 Tips for Curing Feature Creep

[I wrote this article in 2000 and it was published in the Visual C++ Developers Journal. This article has always been one of my favorites and it's no longer available on the web. So I'm reposting it here for posterity.]

Longtime software engineers know that feature requests are as inevitable as the daily tides. These requests are usually made by impassioned people who preface their requests with statements such as, “I’m sure this will be easy,” or “I know you can squeeze this in for me.”
    Most textbooks say you can combat feature creep by performing comprehensive up-front planning, creating detailed time estimates, and establishing a track record of on-time delivery to back up your claims when you try to control the feature set. This method works great, assuming you have a specification to design against, you have the time to do a detailed design, and you have developers good at estimating. In many companies I’ve worked with, particularly at the startup stage, these conditions don’t hold true. In this article I’ll talk about why people make feature requests, and I’ll give you five tips for successfully managing feature creep that can be used in the typical imperfect organization.

1. Avoid Saying No

This tip is easy to put into practice, and you’ll be surprised how far it gets you. Instead of saying “No” to people and putting them on the defensive, give them a positive answer instead. People like to get their way, and when something prevents that, it upsets them. If you’re a manager, consider how you’d feel if you asked a subordinate to do something reasonable and that person said “no” to you. You’d probably be irritated and have to spend the next few minutes curbing your temper to try and figure out why the employee is so difficult.
    Now, consider how others in the organization feel about development. They make what they consider a reasonable request (it may not be from development’s point of view, but they don’t know that), and development reacts by saying, “No. There isn’t time.” If you’re representing development and you make such a statement, you’ve put the other person on the defensive, left no room for negotiation, and set the stage for a hostile conflict.
    Instead, try this answer, “I think development can do that by either dropping features X and Y or by scaling down the feature you described.” With this type of answer, you’ve told them how you can put the feature in as well as given them the choice of what tradeoff to make, thereby giving them a psychological feeling of control. Both alternatives may be poor, but at least you’ve left room open for discussion. And you never said “no.”
    Don’t confuse providing alternatives with saying “yes.”  Say what you can do, even if it bears no resemblance to what you are being asked for. You may not be able to generate these alternatives off the top of your head, so don’t hesitate to ask for a couple days to study how the request will affect you . Let people know you need the additional time, then get back to them when you say you will.
    If you’re comfortable playing politics, you can sometimes conveniently “forget” about features you don’t think make sense. Tell the person you’ll get back to them about the feature, then don’t get back to them. If the request really was important, the person will remind you about it, and if it wasn’t, he or she will forget about it. However, you can only get away with this if you have a consistent track record of following up when you say you will.
    I can think of many meetings that would have been a lot more pleasant for me if I’d learned a long time ago to avoid saying “no. Saying “yes” makes you appear a more reasonable person and you guide the discussion instead of controlling it.

2. Make Decisions Based On Business Goals

Remember, engineers don’t think like people in other departments. This leads to serious communication gaps between departments. Often, the people requesting a feature speak “business,” the development representative speaks “techie,” and the two sides can’t make the other understand their positions. The CEO ends up arbitrating, but because the CEO also speaks business, development loses. As this scenario repeats, the development manager loses more and more credibility and eventually fails, by not delivering the massive number of requested features on time, even though the manager never agreed to the features or the schedule in the first place.
    The textbook way to solve this problem is to hire program and product managers whose job it is to understand both the business side and the technical side. Outside of textbooks and large organizations, these jobs often fall to the senior people in development who have little or no training in business.
    Resolving this problem requires you, the developer, to learn to speak business. If you don’t explain your position in a way the rest of the organization understands, it will be very difficult to break out of the vicious cycle described previously. The rest of the organization considers software development a black art, where worker bees can churn out any amount of code in no time at all, if they’re pushed hard enough. Engineers know it doesn’t work this way, but trying to explain this rarely works.
As a first example of this technique, let’s look at a situation where it might be applied inside development. It’s Monday morning and another developer wanders into your office. Plunking down onto the nearest flat surface, he says, “I’ve been thinking about our rendering code all weekend, and I think I can make it 50 percent faster with about three days of work.” So which of the following do you tell him?
·         That’s a great idea, faster is always better.
·         Absolutely not, there’s no time budgeted.
·         “If it’s really important to you, you can do it after hours.”
·         “That section of code is already working and we don’t want to destabilize it.”

All of these are typical engineering answers (or excuses, depending on your point of view). But the goal is to focus developers on corporate business priorities, so you need to try another solution. Appeal to the developer’s profit side. Developers may not always understand business, but they usually have a keen interest in their own financial stake.
    The first point is that you shouldn’t say no to the developer.  However, instead of offering alternatives, teach the developer the process of making the decision. How about an answer such as, “You’ve obviously put a lot of thought into your proposal, but I know you’ve shown a lot of enthusiasm about our company’s upcoming IPO. How would making that change get us closer to that objective?” You force the developer to analyze the reasons for the change, provide the metric for making similar decisions, and demonstrate how that metric personally impacts the developer.
    This technique won’t work with all developers, but it is important that it should work for architects and other developers who handle important parts of the project. If the technique doesn’t work, you might want to question whether that developer can make decisions in the company’s best interest.
    I’ll make two final comments  about deciding based on business goals. First, in some applications, such as air traffic control software, protecting human life is more important than the bottom line. Second, good business decisions depend on having a central strategy and sticking to it. For example, if your application is for XML text markup, then adding SOAP support probably doesn’t make sense. Even though SOAP is linked tightly with XML, SOAP is for interoperability, not for text markup.

3. Use a Prioritized Master Feature List

Detailed lists are a cornerstone of engineering. A master list of all feature requests can be an important tool in controlling feature creep. If you’re following a formal development methodology, you should have the beginning of this in a Marketing Requirements document. However, if you are a typical small company, your process may be somewhat more ad hoc.
    The secret to the list is to keep it prioritized.  It doesn’t need to be perfectly ordered, just categorizing each item as 1 to 5 is probably enough, with 1 the most important and 5 the least important. You can prioritize development resources by having developers work first on the priority 1 and 2 features.  Once these are finished, move on to  the quick and easy priority 3 and 4 features. Ultimately, development will probably ignore most priority 4 and 5 features.
    You’ll discover that everyone will try to put everything into the highest priority, but here is where speaking the business language pays off. As the design phase moves into the implementation phase, and feature requests start rolling in, you need to have a conversation with senior management that goes something like this:
    “Do you agree our goal is increased revenue?” Unless you’re a nonprofit company, senior management will almost certainly agree. (Note to techies: a business can have valid goals other than revenue, such as increased market share or increased profits, but a company typically focuses on just one goal, because multiple goals can conflict. For this discussion, I’ll use revenue as the goal.)
    You next question is, “Is it therefore reasonable that any changes to features be based on the feature’s impact on revenue?” Again, it will be difficult for management to disagree. Note the pattern of agreement we’re creating here.
    “Is it therefore reasonable that, given that development can’t do everything, we prioritize our features based on the feature’s ability to increase revenue?” This statement is the clincher. It is very difficult for management to disagree with the chain of logic you’ve created. Once you’ve had this discussion, you can use management’s own words to control it. The only other discussion point is how much revenue a feature should be able to bring in before designating it a Priority 1. This is a business decision, so you can stay out of it.
    To see the prioritized list in action, consider this situation: In the lunch-time status meeting, one of the sales people has come back from a show where she has gathered dozens of hot leads. One lead is for a large deal with a Fortune 50 company, and closing the deal would be an important milestone for the product. The only problem is that deal requires four new features, one a major change. Predictably, the CEO is excited and wants to know how engineering can “Help out” to bring in this customer. Which of the following should you respond with?
·         The developers are already working weekends.
·         Feature freeze was last week, and it’s too late for a change.
·         It was already agreed that those features would be in version two.
·         This has happened over and over again, and you won’t add yet another feature for a customer who probably won’t buy anything

    If you made any of the preceding statements, you’ve already succeeded in uniting the rest of the room against you. It will be almost impossible to avoid the feature request. Instead, speak their language by asking, “What’s the revenue potential?” The sales person will name some figure, for example, two million dollars. Now ask, “How did you arrive at that figure?”  If the sales person can’t offer a convincing argument, everyone else in the room will do the arguing for you.
    When the CEO agrees it’s worth moving forward on the feature, you say something like, “It sounds like the possibility of closing is only 25 percent. Therefore, I’ll prioritize this feature at $2M * 25 percent=$500,000.” Sales organizations commonly use this technique to project future revenue, so there’s no reason development can’t use it, too. A rule of thumb is that the possibility-of-closing percentage never goes above 75 percent unless a contract is actually signed. It is very difficult for others in the room to argue with this logic, and the final dollar value defines the feature’s priority.
    Notice you never mentioned development’s schedule or manpower. This is important. The moment you start talking about development’s schedule, you also have to start talking about estimates, and estimates are controversial and difficult to defend. If possible, avoid discussing estimates. It’s often better to accept the new feature and then quietly drop something (or several things) to the bottom of the priority list. If someone asks why the feature isn’t in a release, you can reply that the revenue potential for the feature wasn’t high enough, and again avoid discussing engineering schedule and estimates.
    Unfortunately, this technique may indicate you need to add a feature at the last minute, and the CEO doesn’t want to slip the release. The easiest way to handle this is to capitalize on everyone’s belief that engineering can’t adhere to a schedule. Instead of saying you don’t have enough time, say the estimates for the task are too uncertain, and you aren’t confident you can finish it on time. From a risk-management point of view, you believe it would be better to finish what you have, then do a small point release with that one feature. Business people understand risk, and you’re again speaking their language.

4. Understand the Root Requirement

There is a big difference between what someone wants and what someone needs when they make a feature request. This happens because of a lack of understanding about how to effectively link a real-world solution to a technical solution. Therefore, when a developer meets with a nontechnical person to talk about a feature, the developer must first understand the nontechnical requirement driving the feature request before determining the technical solution.
    Here’s an illustration. At the end of the day, the product manager stops you on your way to the car to talk about a magazine review of a competitor’s product and the new “must-have” items reviewers expect in that kind of product. The product manager believes the new product you’re working on needs these features for “parity,” and he wants to have a meeting with you tomorrow to talk about adding these features. Before the meeting the next morning, you could prepare notes about:
·         Why magazine reviews are useless.
·         How far the release date needs to slip to add those features.
·         How many people you’ll need to hire to implement those features.
·         What features the product manager recommends should be dropped to make room for new features.
    At least two of these responses represent ideas from this article, but none is the right answer. The solution is to go through each feature, determine the end-user requirement driving that feature, then see if you already have the feature, but no one knew about it, or if you have an alternative solution to get the same result.
    For example, say that one feature request from the magazine article is to “support FTP.” Many reasons might drive such a request. Because the FTP protocol is built into many libraries, adding FTP support might not be hard, but no work is still quicker than a little work. By going back and reading the magazine article yourself, you might discover the competitor’s product needs FTP support do file transfer through firewalls. However, maybe the application you’re building already supports HTTP file transfer. Because http goes through firewalls even more easily than ftp, it would not be necessary for you to add support for FTP. You can now explain to the product manager that you are already able to meet the spirit if not the letter of the requirement. Scratch one feature request.
    Another example might be a feature request to “support XML.” Such a broad, ambiguous description could require years of development work. You might assume that only a developer could properly interpret what “support XML” means. In this example, further discussion with the product manager reveals the requirement is simply to be able to say on the box that the product supports XML. You ask the product manager what she means by “support.” And the answer is, “I don’t know. I just need to be able to put those words on the box.”
    Now, you probably think this is stupid. However, XML is a big buzzword right now, and lots of people have heard of it. It’s likely someone comparing products on the shelves at CompUSA might buy a box with a big “Now supports XML” sticker, even if that person has no idea what XML is and has no plan to use it! So, your job is to technically decide what “supports XML” means, and to decide the minimum amount of work you can get away with. XML is evolving so fast that anything you do will be out of date before it ships, so one strategy might be to create something simple and see how customers react. This is dramatically different than a requirement to “successfully interoperate with three popular B2B, XML-based application servers” that a statement like “supports XML” might mean.

5. Plan Your Development Strategy

All too often, despite your best efforts, so many features get stuck into the product development can’t finish it in time. You can combat this by changing your development strategy. In most organizations, the strategy is to determine the feature set, pick a ship date, then, when the date is missed, keep slipping the date until the feature set is finally finished. I’ll call this the “feature-driven” strategy. Unless your organization is actually skilled at project estimating (and, judging by the number of slipped dates in the industry, few are) this strategy rarely works.
    An alternative to the feature-driven strategy is the date-driven strategy. In a date-driven strategy, whatever you have on a certain date, you ship. This strategy has logic behind it. In most cases, a date is chosen for a good reason. Perhaps it’s the end of the quarter, perhaps investors are reviewing the company, or perhaps a customer has a “drop dead” date for certain new features. In all these cases, developers need to recognize that hitting the date is often more important then completing all the features. Sales prefers to have something to sell, even if it isn’t perfect, rather than nothing at all. So, the solution is to change the development strategy so the company can ship something on any given date.
    The key change to the development process that this strategy requires is ensuring that features as they’re built. In too many organizations, development does months of feature development, then tests for bugs during a huge “bug bash” at the very end, which invariably takes much longer than anyone expected. A date-driven strategy calls for lots of little “bug bashes” along the way to keep the product as stable as possible. With this strategy, when the deadline rolls around, development can offer the organization two realistic alternatives—ship on time with a limited feature set, or slip the ship date and add more features. Remember, with two alternatives, you avoid saying no!
    Development often presents these alternatives, but frequently unsuccessfully, because the development process doesn’t allow for shipping on time with a limited feature set. If you leave bug fixing to the end, you can’t estimate how long they’ll take to fix, so you can’t ship on time, even if you leave many features are left out. By finding and fixing bugs as you go, you can actually offer these two alternatives and be able to deliver on either of them.
To follow this strategy, it is an absolute requirement to maintain the prioritized feature list to make sure the features you do deliver are the ones that will have the greatest impact on revenue or market share.
Today’s reality is that the computer industry is changing very rapidly and successful companies must be able to change direction on a dime. To stay competitive, a company must have the flexibility to add features as a product is developed. Ultimately, you don’t “win” if you successfully fend off all feature requests that appear after the design phase is over. In a product-based company, you win by doing whatever grows the business, enhances market share, and/or drive revenue. Computer science classes rarely teach this fundamental point, but it is important to remember when managing feature creep.
Being successful at doing this is much more a matter of working with people and understanding business needs than it is of maintaining detailed schedules and estimates to prove your points. At the end of those never-ending meetings, the most important result is that other people feel good about themselves and the decisions that were made. They don’t care about why you’re right—they care about why they’re right. If you can consistently make people feel good about themselves, you’ll always be a hero.

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